Attorney Share streamlines the referral process between attorneys.

It's free to join and we never take a cut of referral fees. But why do lawyers love us?

Referring Attorneys There is no cost for the referring attorney on any cases they refer out

Referee Attorneys There is no cost for the referee attorney on cases they are invited to via Waterfall Referrals™

Waterfall Referrals™ are a gamechanger, saving you time when referring cases to your network of attorneys

Dashboard Easily track all of your inbound and outbound referrals using Attorney Share as your source of truth

Automations Get case status updates automatically, customize referral fee agreements and more

Case Management Integrations Send and receive referrals directly from within you case management with one-click

Scale Grow your referral network of trusted attorneys and generate new clients from the public marketplace

Security Rest assured that yours and your clients sensitive PI and HIPAA data is safe and secure

Trusted by top lawyers

Start generating new cases today.

Our latest pricing = Happy lawyers

If you pay the $299 match fee and the client doesn't sign with you (or you decide to not sign the client), you will be credited back the match fee.

Waterfall Referrals™

Specify up to three (3) attorneys you wish to give right of refusal to accept the referral before its posted to the public marketplace. You no longer need to send texts or emails to multiple attorneys, post it once and let us handle the rest.

Expand Your Network With The Marketplace

The Marketplace allows you to find trusted attorneys in jurisdictions and practice areas you currently do not have coverage, empowering you to maximize the value of your precious referrals.

Manage All Of Your Referrals In One Place

All of your referrals, inbound and outbound alike, can live in Attorney Share, even referrals that pre-date the platform. Easily visualize and reference important deadlines, deal terms and action items.

Add Qualified Attorneys To Your Network

Invite your existing referral network for free and start sending them cases through Waterfall Referrals™. Expand your network through our national community of qualified attorneys.

Direct Access from your Case Management Software

Have you already invested a tremendous amount of time and money into a legal case management (LCM) software like Clio? We got your covered.

Refer cases directly from your LCM into Attorney Share with a few clicks. What’s more is any referral invites you receive will show up directly in your LCM.

Become an Attorney Share member today

By using Attorney Share, you acknowledge your responsibility to adhere to all applicable professional rules and standards, including the rules of professional conduct applicable in your jurisdiction.

Although the word "marketplace" appears on the website, it's being used as a familiar term. Any referral transaction requires the client's consent, complete with proper disclosure, and must comply with applicable rules and/or statutes.

Attorney Share is a technology platform designed to streamline the referral process between lawyers. It does not function as an attorney referral service and, accordingly, is not subject to Cal. Bus. & Prof. Code 6155.